Friday, September 21, 2007

Things we know because of game.

  • Most people don't say anything of interest.
  • The best way to open a container is to destroy it.
  • Female martial artists are either little girls in Japanese school clothes, or scantily clad vixens with ginormous boobies.
  • Princess Peach really needs a security staff.
  • And so does Princess Zelda.
  • Most people don't mind if you wander into their house unannounced. They also don't care if you go rifling through their chests and barrels looking for items.
  • Bad guys and monsters tend to enjoy carrying around the same types of bullets your guns use, even if they themselves are not armed.
  • 90% of all doors are completely fake. They're just painted onto the wall.
  • Solid Snake's co-workers are completely incapable of shutting the f**k up.
  • If in combat, your enemies will usually stand around and wait patiently as you go through your rucksack looking for your rocket launcher.
  • A knife in the back beats three bullets in the face.
  • Clothing only comes in one size.
  • If you come across a locked door, you have to find the key, even if it's a brittle piece of wood that a grenade should be able to obliterate.


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